Give Yourself Some Grace

I stink at giving myself grace. The kind of grace I try so hard to give to others. The kind of grace that I want everyone to give themselves. The kind of grace Christ offers me every day. THAT kind of grace I am no good at. I am doing the Whole 30 diet. Let’sContinueContinue reading “Give Yourself Some Grace”

My Confidence is Your Faithfulness

I am moving in one month. Just an hour or so away from my community of where I am now, but I’m moving away none the less. And I am not moving because I am looking for anything better, but because I feel super lead to be out on my own. Completely. Without anyone to leanContinueContinue reading “My Confidence is Your Faithfulness”

How To Love Jesus When Shiz Gets Hard

We all can be dramatic sometimes. We all can make things worse than they really are. Take me for example. My dad has a swollen lymph node in his neck. First thing I thought? Cancer. Second thing I thought? I’ll never see him again. Now that is dramatic. But let’s get real for a second: life can getContinueContinue reading “How To Love Jesus When Shiz Gets Hard”

Wardrobe Wed|Nes|Day Is Back: Season Style

So Wardrobe Wed|Nes|Day began because I wanted to share with y’all what I think is so worth it and so great to add/have/invest in for your spring, summer, fall, etc. wardrobe. Insert Season + the Pepper Dress that I mentioned on Monday’s post. I really don’t need to tell any of y’all anything about SeasonContinueContinue reading “Wardrobe Wed|Nes|Day Is Back: Season Style”

This Season Ain’t Just For a Season

Anybody remember Jessie Pepper from Marriage is Funny that I met way back in September? Anybody remember how hard I was fan girling over meeting her? Well heck I’ve got something to say about her, y’all. She picked ME as one of two people to intern for her new clothing brand. WHAT? Yeah. I must haveContinueContinue reading “This Season Ain’t Just For a Season”

22 Things I Learned in my 22nd Year

Wow has The Lord been more than gracious this year. And since it has been awhile since I’ve written on this here blog, I figured, why not celebrate the last year of my life with a few things I’ve learned- in hopes somebody can relate or learn from my mistakes/failures/successes, etc. So here we go, y’all.ContinueContinue reading “22 Things I Learned in my 22nd Year”

You Graduated, Now What?

Do me a favor, and take a quick breath. And stop listening to them. Stop trying to answer the constant questions from everyone around you. Stop trying to have all the answers.Because, you won’t have them. You don’t have them. And that is okay. Not knowing is okay. And I want you to know that. Because you just graduated and that isContinueContinue reading “You Graduated, Now What?”

Day 5 of Giving | Give Back

Day 5, here we go.  And in celebration of successfully giving for almost 5 days, here is a picture of me and my college roommates posing for our Christmas card my junior year. ANYWAY. DECEMBER 5TH: Give Back Originally I had this day named, “give money” but it sounds a little too forward for myContinueContinue reading “Day 5 of Giving | Give Back”

Day 4 of Giving | Give Life

Day 4, let’s go! DECEMBER 4TH, 2016: Give Life. Okay, in all honesty, this is a weird one. Because giving life to someone isn’t really a real thing. But I think what I mean by “giving life” I mean giving someone a “reason” to live today, however or whatever that looks like. Existence is aContinueContinue reading “Day 4 of Giving | Give Life”