
Hey y’all.

So it’s me, Stephanie Lynn, but Gwenn Lynn sometimes for the heck of  it.

I’m 26, hanging out in San Clemente, California, teaching kids by day, podcasting, thrifting, and rearranging everything in my apartment by night.

Blogging was my outlet for a real long time, then I started my podcast Good Good Talks, and that platform quickly became my verbal processing dream. So whether you’re here for the blog, the podcast, Good Good Threads or actually have no idea how you stumbled into this little corner of cyberspace- welcome

This platform has been my safe place for over 5 years, celebrating the goods and grieving and walking through the bads, and I am so thankful to have a space to do that. 


It’s a lie that you are alone and no one knows what you’re feeling, how you’re struggling, whatever it may be. You are not alone. We are in this together.

So my one hope and dream for this space is to have it be a place where you can grieve and dance and cry and laugh with me. A space where you are pointed back to Jesus and His truths. A space where you feel known and heard, not because of my words, but because of Him.

So- let’s keep chatting shall we? Whether it is chatting through the mic or from words on the screen, thanks for letting my words take space in your life. You have no idea how much you giving me some of your time means to me.

So, let’s chat, shall we? 

All photos from my best San Clemente gal, Mckenna Mansfield.

6 thoughts on “

  1. God bless you in your journey. Life with Christ is the best life. You’ll be tested and tried…but your faith and love for Christ will hold you up and steadfast in Him.
    I look forward to keeping in touch through your blog.

  2. Dear Stephanie,

    I want to first say that the Lord is using you and this blog to affect many different people. I found your blog through someone on facebook and pretty much read and re-read your post How to Be Single, a Christian and a College Graduate. It was great timing when I found this around Valentine’s day and though I had graduated 9 months before reading the post, your words and story were so similar to my own. I too had just ended 1 year prior a 2 year relationship where I was pretty much doing everything that you posted in your blog. It was about me and my desires, me planning my future. And just how you said your break up had you running to the Lord, I had experienced the exact same thing. After reading this post, I have been reading a few more of your other posts and your about me section. I too am an early childhood education teacher and intervention specialist. Our stories are very similar, and I just want to say THANK YOU for continuing to post about Jesus and how you are learning more about him. Continue to see his guidance for your blog and girl he will continue to use you. So thank you, and God bless!


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